Summer Vacation in Wyoming ~ July to August 2013

We love Wyoming! We got to spend a few weeks with the Sorensen Family.  Every other year we have a family reunion and we were so excited to see everyone. I made a separate book of the reunion so in this blog I only included the activities that my family did before and after the reunion. In these pictures we are visiting my youngest brother Kelly at his mother-in-laws house.  She lives right by the river and AJ really wanted to go fishing.  We also really wanted to see my new niece Guinevere, Kelly's first child.  My parents, sisters Dyan and Cristy, brother Lane and some of their families also made it out. We had a great time!
After the reunion Aaron, AJ and I went to Yellowstone and Jackson Hole for 2 days.  Neither Aaron nor AJ had been there, and I barely remember anything from the one time I went so we had an amazing few days driving the lower loop of Yellowstone.  We stayed in Cody, WY the first night and then Jackson the second.  We saw some of the most incredible sites and took lots of pictures.  Somehow the pictures got out of order so the pics of Jackson are first and Yellowstone afterwards.

In the background there are some baby bears with their mama.  We were so excited to see them even though in the pictures you can barely see them.

The Tetons were amazing even though these pictures don't do them justice.
The whole time we were in Jackson AJ kept commenting on how "western" everything appeared. He loves having family from the "west". We walked around the town and swam in the hotel's little pool.  It was the smallest pool we'd ever seen at a hotel.  That made it all the more special and memorable.

We had so much fun eating at the Gun Barrel.  We wanted AJ to experience eating bison and deer.  The atmosphere was perfect for the occasion. He loved walking around and looking at all the animals they had displayed on the walls and ceiling. He really liked eating the bison and some of the deer. We had them prepared a few different ways and it was a fun eating experience. AJ got a root beer that came with a plastic gun in it and he thought that was so cool!


Old Faithful was awesome! We got there as it was going off but wanted to see the whole show. We went to the store and picked up some souvenirs' and ice cream while waiting for the next showing.  It is amazing how consistent it blows as if it were on a timer..
This was such a cool picture with a tree on its side and the roots sticking up like a perfect frame.

We were driving by Firehole Canyon and saw many people swimming even though it was a little cool and windy.  Aaron and AJ wanted to join them and make a great memory of swimming in Yellowstone. I took pictures! They were warm in the water, but while getting out they froze. Of course it was totally worth it!

Before going into Yellowstone we stocked up on food. There aren't many places to stop and eat. We got a lot of yummy junk food and in the picture above Aaron and AJ are eating a candy rope of some sort while we stopped to look at the waterfall in the background.  Just being silly and having a little fun.

One of our favorite spots was this Grand Prismatic Spring.  The colors just blew me away! WOW!



We got so excited when we drove into a valley filled with bison.  It was amazing how many there were. All the cars had stopped as they slowly walked across the street. A ranger was encouraging people to keep driving.  Aaron loved it until one started walking behind our car. Then he just wanted to leave.


We went with my brother Lane's family to the National Historic Trails Interpretive Center.  It was educational, interactive, and fun! The kids were fascinated by the pioneer stories, handcarts, and displays.  I'm very glad we took the time to go there.

We love Grandpa's bread, especially when we get to help!

My sister Dyan brought over her son LJ's box of Legos for the kids to play with while we stayed at Grandma's house. AJ made some really fun planes and Audrey made some fun creations with Grandma.

After Sunday dinner with the family Audrey played ipad with cousin Jordan and then Legos with cousin Mitch.  I love watching my kids connecting and building relationships with their cousins. 

We went to a park by Cristy's house to play and get all the family together. We played kick ball for a bit and played on the playground.  Audrey was fascinated by Uncle Russ' helmets.  She also loved playing on cousin Chase's drums!


My parents came with us to swim at the Aquatic Center.  Grandpa had the most fun in the water with the kids. We sure love spending time with them! After swimming we went to JC Burger and got ice cream and lunch. 


Below the kids in the neighborhood gathered and were playing kick the can. They loved it and the adults enjoyed chatting and just being together.  I have so many fond memories playing sports, games and hide and go seek in this street with neighborhood friends. 

AJ loves spotting the antelopes in Casper.  They can be found all over Wyoming in abundance.  These were across from a gulf course where they usually hang out. AJ begged for me to take a picture.
We went with my sister Cristy and kids to the Garden Creek Falls at the base of Casper Mountain.  All the kids were happy and had fun climbing around and somehow not getting totally wet. The falls didn't have much water because it was the middle of the summer, but it was still a good outing with cousins.


We went miniature golfing with cousin Ramsey.  The boys had a great time and I did pretty good too!

