AJ Basketball, Wake Forest Basketball, Everyday Stuff ~January 9th - 31st

 Audrey and AJ are getting so big! This picture was taken before church one Sunday. When Audrey sat in her little high chair she seemed to barely fit.  She and AJ are getting so tall.

 AJ is playing baseball on the Wii and Audrey thinks she is playing also.  She is very excited to be playing too.

 AJ had so much fun playing basketball this season.  He made great improvements from last season.  Here are some of the comments his coach made in different emails to all the parents.  "Aaron played his usual gritty game around the basket." "Our team scorekeeper, Aaron, let us know after the game that today was the most points we have scored." "Aaron continues to play an all-around great game.  He was active on defense, passed the ball effectively, and rebounded the ball on both ends of the floor."  "Aaron showed up and the second he got in the game had a rebound and scored a basket."

Aaron's basketball season is over and we have a Saturday free of games. So what do we do... go to a Wake Forest basketball game in Winston-Salem. On our way out of town we stopped for a yummy shake at Cook Out because it always makes the trip that much more fun.

This was Audrey's first college ball game.  She loved to yell "go Deacs" and was excited about the blimp that flew around the gymnasium.  After she ate the treats I brought, she was pretty much done with the game.  Unfortunately, Wake was playing horribly so we didn't have much desire to finish the game anyway. AJ now enjoys watching basketball which makes Aaron and I very happy. We had a great family outing, drove by some of our old stomping grounds and visited the place we lived while attending Wake several years ago.  

Audrey is eating her first prime rib roast and loves it! So nice to have one child who will eat almost all food.

Love to see Aaron reading with Audrey.  She doesn't sit long, but sometimes you can get through one book.

AJ loves his bike.  He will finally ride by himself around the neighborhood and loves going much further with his daddy on Saturdays.

Those are blue lips made from Lucky Charms marshmallows.  Didn't know they could do that but then again I'm when I eat Lucky Charms it only takes seconds before I'm done and Audrey takes her sweet time.


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