Fun Run, Spring Cupcakes, General Conference and more... March 28 - April 4th
I love how evolved AJ's stick figures have become. Really creative!! His writing is improving all the time. Below he drew a Dr.Suess animal called a crocodile tailed, bear footed, shark!! AJ has always had an enormous imagination that just recently has been drawn on paper. He has talked about his "bearlionhyenna" for over a year now, although I haven't seen a picture of him yet. He usually just tells us what this animal eats, where it lives and how it defends itsself, even though no one is stronger then it. On Sundays before church we help AJ keep the Sabbath Day holy by playing games, reading, watching church movies, Living Scriptures, and Veggie Tales, or getting on the computer to interact with This Sunday he did some coloring online and we printed it out. We got the idea to make a poster for his cousin Stephen who just got called on a mission. Here is the final product. Our ward was just divided. ...