Swim Meet, School Party, New York City ~June 1st to 10th 2012
We love home made pizza! Although we don't make it very often in the summer heat. So sad! AJ participated in his first swim meet at the YMCA. He was nervous for his 2 races, but he did his best and had a good experience. The water was so cold and he was freezing most of the time, but we kept him wrapped up in towels and Audrey kept him company whenever possible. AJ worked on this Lego airport for several months. He is very creative and loved inventing new airplanes, parking lots, bus terminals, emergency vehicles, and indoor facilities for the people. AJ's class had an end of the year party with outdoor games and ice cream. He has had an amazing year with the best behavior record in the class. I have loved being with the class a few times a week tutoring and joining AJ for lunch. We have made lots of great memories with his class and Mrs. McConaughey. She loved AJ and taught him so much....