Discovery Place, Chick Fil-A and Random Fun ~ February 17th - 28th 2013
It has been over a year since we had passes to the Discovery Place and Nature Museum. I took the kids and Audrey's friend Jacob. It is amazing how different Audrey reacted to all the activities a year later. She still loved it all, but she is much more manageable and her attention is a little longer. Their favorite activity is still the assembly line area that you see in these pictures where they get to see how their work affects the work of everyone else. The picture of the kids below cracks me up! Look at how they are sitting while watching a movie together. Winter basketball has been fun for AJ, but we are really ready for spring and love that there are already flowers blooming in our yard! AJ's physical education teacher asked the kids to dress up for the day that they were square dancing. I think he makes a pretty cute cowboy. He does have Wyoming blood in him! Audrey loves to wear the...